Ready4Rescue is an outside look into your home before calling 911. When you think about it, you are actually calling 911 for a service call. The same as you would an electrician, plumber, or heating and air technician.

Only you’re NOT! The 911 call is to help save a life of a loved one in a time of crisis. You want service and want it now!

Ready4Rescue knows in today’s world, time between making a call and receiving treatment seems like an eternity. Time slows, anxiety increases and stress levels rise as seconds go by. Tic tock, tic tock. When are they going to arrive?

Let us relieve anxiety and stress by preparing you for a 911 call through our system of products and services to help you help responders.
Ready4Rescue is about time savings.

We Do Three Things




Why We Do It

We save lives!

We provide information to create awareness, decrease response times, and save lives as a result. A growing concern within the emergency responder community, fire department and emergency rooms is lack of awareness or inaction by homeowners in a public crisis. Three main issues plaguing the emergency response community everyday are:

  • Home Address Identification
  • Lack of patient health information on scene
  • Emergency contacts, caretakers of children or disabled adults/children
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Traffic delays on the way to your home are something which you have no control over. Of course, if you are in your car remember to pull over to the right to clear a path for responders to get through. Remember to obey differing state or country laws wherever you may be regarding emergency vehicles.

An additional challenge of this process was brought forward in a senate hearing on July 18, 2014 stating: “Preventable medical errors persist as the No. 3 killer in the U.S. – third only to heart disease and cancer – claiming the lives of some 400,000 people each year (Erin McCann).

Effective treatment starts when responders arrive at the scene of an emergency either at home or away. The sooner the right treatment is implemented the better the outcome for the patient.

Far too often it is taken for granted that with GPS on our cell phones our location will be found by 911 responders in an emergency. The latest information disproves that assumption. In a recent 911 Whitepaper points out, over one third of all cell phone antennas are out of alignment. This can translate up 500 meters difference in your location to responders. The message here is always know where you are before making the call. Not knowing may cost your life.

How We Do It

We create solutions!

We have reviewed the process between a 911 call and when responders arrive to understand delays before reaching your home.

The next two pieces of the puzzle make a large difference in response time. First is your street sign. Be sure the street sign is reflected at night for responders and any visitors who may be looking for your home.

Second, house numbers are actually the first life saving device after calling 911. It is also where you, the homeowner, have control. We offer two styles of reflective house numbers with or without address frames.

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Another area overlooked before the call is information. Ready4Rescue’s solution is portable, information packed and easy to carry.

Our ReadyDataCard is available to assist in carrying all of your important personal health information right in your wallet next to your identification. This way your ReadyDataCard can speak for you when you’re not able. Click here for more info.